
Dilecte fili, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Exercitiorum Spiritualium consuetudinem, qualem praesertim, caelesti prorsus consilio, Sanctus Ignatius, legifer Pater vester, induxit, semper Nos magni fecimus, utpote in qua ad emendandos mores et christianos refovendos spiritus mirifica quaedam insit efficacitas. Nunc autem, quum in hoc Apostolatus fastigio collocati sumus, eo clarius apparet Nobis quantum adiumenti afferre possit consuetudo eiusmodi ad propositum, quod habemus, instaurandi omnia in Christo; si quidem, praeter clericos, a laicis quotidie pluribus teneatur. Quamobrem, dilecte fili, intelliges cognovisse Nos perlibenter, asceterium, cui praesides, viris ex omni civitatis ordine, annum iam quartum, patere; ad statos crebro secessus convenire frequentes, nominatim opifices et conductores operum; fructus autem, qui consequuntur, uberrimos esse et sanctae consolationis plenos, ac saepe fieri ut, qui in istud pietatis domicilium falsas de religione opiniones et vacuum officio christianum nomen secum tulerint, iidem conversis feliciter animis egrediantur, voce exemploque popularibus suis hortatores ad frugem futuri. Sane non potuistis meliorem ullam rationem instituere opitulandi operariae plebi, tantis hodie periculis, in istis maxime regionibus, obnoxiae. Revocando enim homines ad cogitationem aeternarum rerum, ac persuadendo ad altiora et magnificentiora multo, quam haec caduca, bona omnes esse natos, confirmabitur vulgo conscientia officii et, qui inferiore utuntur fortuna, non facile infatuari se sinent socialistarum fallaciis, beatitatem hominis omnem praesentis vitae spatio concludendum. Itaque et vobis, quorum laboribus studiosisque curis, et iis, quorum gratia et subsidiis opus tam salutare tamque opportunum viget, amplissimam tribuimus laudem. Deo autem cum agimus gratias, propterea quod communia conata vestra benignus adiuvit, tum preces adhibemus, ut adiuvet in posterum, ac, fautores auxiliatoresque vobis multos adiiciens, id ipsum opus ad incrementa in dies laetiora promoveat. Auspicem caelestium munerum ac benevolentiae Nostrae peculiaris testem, tibi, dilecte fili, sodalibus tuis, et ceteris omnibus, qui in hoc genere tua, qua et Nostra sunt, vota secundent, Apostolicam benedictionem peramanter in Domino impertimus.


Beloved son, greetings and apostolic blessing. The custom of spiritual exercises, such as, above all, which was introduced by Saint Ignatius, your legate father, with a completely heavenly design, we have always made great, because in it there is a wonderful efficacy for improving the morals and refreshing the spirits of Christians. But now, when we are placed at the pinnacle of this Apostleship, it becomes clearer to Us how much help such a practice can bring to the purpose we have of establishing all things in Christ. if indeed, in addition to the clergy, it is held by the laity every day to a greater number. Wherefore, my beloved son, you will understand that we have known with pleasure that the asceticism, of which you are the governor, has been open to men from every order of the city for the fourth year now; to the estates frequent retreats frequented, especially the workmen and employers of works; and the fruits that result are very rich and full of holy consolation, and it often happens that those who brought false beliefs about religion and an empty Christian name with them to that abode of piety, come out with converted hearts and happily converted, encouraging their people by voice and example to the harvest of the future. Surely you could not have instituted any better scheme for the welfare of the working people, who are exposed to such dangers today, especially in these regions.For by recalling men to the contemplation of eternal things, and by persuading them that all are born to things much higher and more magnificent than these perishable goods, the common sense of duty will be strengthened, and those who use lower fortunes will not easily allow themselves to be infatuated with the fallacies of socialists, all the happiness of man in the present span of life. to conclude And therefore to you, by whose labors and zeal you care, and to those whose grace and support make the work so salutary and opportune, we give the greatest praise. And when we give thanks to God, because he has kindly helped your common efforts, we also pray that he may help in the future, and, adding many supporters and helpers to you, may promote this very work to an ever happier increase. Under the auspices of heavenly gifts and as a special witness of Our benevolence, we impart to you, my beloved son, to your members, and to all others who follow the wishes of your family, which are also ours, the Apostolic blessing in the Lord. | Hoe gebruik ik de vertalen Latijn Engels?

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